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How Do I Look Like an Anime Character

How Do I Look Like an Anime Character

Whether you lot want to embody a specific character or merely get for a more generic model, there are some tips and tricks that you can do to make your acting more believable. Brush upward on your anime or manga knowledge and get prepare to emulate your character from head to toe!

  1. ane

    Decide on a bones personality. Don't worry: anime and manga characters are not much different from real people. There are shy characters, funny characters, sarcastic characters, and, of course, dastardly villainous characters. Even if you aren't imitating a specific grapheme, having some sort of base personality in mind will help. Once you take a base to work off of, you tin can add the extras that make the character more than anime or manga-like and actually pop.

    • Don't know what sort of personality to choose? Try picking ane opposite to your ain for a fun, added challenge. If you lot are shy, endeavour acting similar a bold or hyper character.
    • Consider basing your graphic symbol's personality off of an existing one. For example, you could be cold like Sephiroth from "Final Fantasy vii."
  2. 2

    Exaggerate your emotions. If you're even a novice anime or manga fan, you've probably noticed that many of the characters' reactions are pretty extreme. Take your desired personality's basic traits, and exaggerate them. If you want to be happy, act actress happy. If you lot want to exist cold or serious, human action extra cold or serious. Have this as a fun opportunity to act outrageous and different than you unremarkably would.

    • One of the about notable is Edward Elric from "Fullmetal Alchemist". He gets very upset whenever someone implies that he is short.
    • There are many emotionless archetypes as well. Instead of exaggerating your emotions, try concealing them and interim cool, calm, and nerveless.
  3. 3

    Include some habits or gestures. Everyone has their own lilliputian addiction or gesture, such equally twirling their pilus or a specific way of laughing. Anime and manga characters are no exception. One keen example would be L'southward toe-rubbing in "Expiry Note." Even if you are acting similar a generic character, y'all can make your acting more believable by including a unique habit or gesture. Have fun with it! If y'all're a villain, you could stroke your beard or adopt an evil express joy. A stereotypical knight or hero could strike powerful poses and swing around a false sword. Here are some more ideas to get your ideas flowing:

    • A sarcastic character may cock his eyebrow.
    • A shy girl may play with her hair.
    • An enthusiastic character may pump his fist into the air.
    • A tsundere may cross her artillery or frown—especially when talking to her crush!
  4. 4

    Have a trademark quote. Similar to habits and gestures, having a quote that y'all say oftentimes tin can help bring out the anime or manga vibes. Think of Naruto, whose catchphrase is, "Believe it!" Other words and phrases include things similar: feh, meh, and baka (idiot). If you take a favorite anime or manga character, you can use some of their most common phrases every bit inspiration, or make up your ain.

  5. 5

    Try a tsundere character blazon if y'all want to explore two unlike sides. This is a fun opportunity to claiming yourself and play virtually two different characters, so you'll never become bored of only interim i way. Tsunderes are known for being at-home and collected, except when they are around someone they like. In those cases, they are easily embarrassed and oft human action mean in club to hibernate their feelings. [1] They volition assistance the one they like, but they will commonly say something like: [2] [3]

    • "It'southward not similar I similar you or anything."
    • "I'1000 simply doing this because I similar you. Don't get any funny ideas!"
    • If they accidentally impact someone they like, they might say: "It'due south not like I meant to do that. Don't have it personally!"
  6. half-dozen

    Choose a kuudere graphic symbol type if you like to be calm, collected, and serious. Kuuderes are natural-born leaders who keep their cool in tough situations where anybody else is panicking. They tend to speak monotone and are afraid of showing their emotions or weakness. [four] They do have a soft side, all the same, which they evidence to the 1 person they trust, sometimes a love interest and sometimes non. [5]

    • Focus less on your emotions and more than on the facts. That blossom over there? Don't mention how it is beautiful or how it makes you experience. It'southward a blood-red flower. The finish!
    • Keep your expressions minimal. A tiny, slight smile is fine if someone y'all similar says something hilarious. [6]
    • Kuudere can be snarky or dry witted, a subtle and fun way to challenge your ability to human action comedically. [7]
  7. 7

    Go dandere if yous don't heed being shy or a little antisocial. Deep down inside, Danderes may desire to be social but are too shy or afraid to go out and open. In one case they become close to someone, they do open upward, and are normally cutesy and optimistic. [8] Due to their quietness and shyness, they may come up off equally a little emotionless, just not cold as cold a kuudere.

    • A peachy way to act shy would exist to utter phrases such every bit "uh" or "um." You could too stutter a scrap and talk softly.
    • Most dandere won't speak unless spoken to, or unless they absolutely have to (i.due east. being chosen on in class). [9]
    • You lot don't take to be completely antisocial. Many dandere have that one special person that they do talk to. Enquire a fellow cosplay friend to be the one to bring your dandere character out of their shell and do acting shy and flattered when they come around. [10]
  1. 1

    Cull a grapheme. Most people find it easiest to portray a character who is similar to them personality-wise. On the other hand, some people observe information technology easier, or a fun challenge, to portray a character who is the complete opposite.

    • Consider starting out with two characters: one who is similar to you and one who is completely dissimilar. If ane is too hard to mimic, yous can narrow it down to the easier one.
  2. ii

    Study their scenes. If possible, try to read the manga and watch the anime. Take note of how your graphic symbol reacts to different situations. Notice the range of their emotions and how they act when they are happy, sad, angry, or agape. Written report how the character acts around different characters: family, friends, enemies, strangers. This is a good excuse to watch your favorite anime and read the manga, and so have fun with it!

    • If your character is stoic, pay extra attending. These characters will brandish their emotions subtly, so become a master of picking upwards the trivial details.
    • Don't stop at but the anime or manga. If they announced in a video game, watch cutscenes from the game!
  3. 3

    Read upward on your character online. The net is full of information on anime and manga. Try to notice the anime or manga's official site, and read upwards on your grapheme. The better you know your character, the better you'll be able to imitate them, understanding their personality and what makes them tick.

    • Unofficial or fan-created material can exist helpful, but have it with a grain of salt, since many fans add together their ain interpretation of the grapheme, which may not necessarily exist catechism.
  4. 4

    Mimic your character's way of speaking. If you're not one for accents, never fearfulness: this doesn't mean you have to mimic their voice, although you can certainly endeavour! Instead, note how they talk. Do they talk slow or fast? Loud or soft? Does their vocalization display a full range of emotions or is information technology stoic and blank? Notation any rises and falls of pitch. Work on your parroting skills and try to mimic these subtle intonations when you talk.

  5. 5

    Learn some phrases. Y'all tin have things a pace further by learning a few common phrases that your character says. If you aren't copying a particular character, you can learn a few basic words or phrases in Japanese. This is a dandy way to expose yourself to a new language and even learn to speak a fleck of it!

  6. half dozen

    Check your posture and torso linguistic communication. Acting is more than than but talking and mimicking facial expressions--it's fully embodying the manner the character holds themselves, down to the tips of their fingers! Re-sentinel your character'southward scenes, and note how they stand, walk, or motility. Shy characters may slouch and effort to "hide" behind their hands. Confident or big-headed characters will oftentimes stand upwards straight, hold their heads up loftier, and puff their chests out. Cover the silliness or melodrama of your character's habits, and don't be afraid to go over the summit. That's what makes cosplay fun!

    • Don't forget about their quirks! Does your character play with their pilus or do a specific gesture? Have notation of that!
  7. 7

    Consider having a prop that the character is famous for. Is your character known for having a certain object with them? If and then, consider carrying a similar object with you! A notable example is L from "Death Notation", who is often depicted with a piece of cake. You could bring a prop piece of block or existent i of block for a tasty snack. Another instance is Nekozawa from "Ouran High School Host Club," who ever has his Beelzenef puppet with him.

    • Don't rely on the prop or let it exercise the work for yous. Use it to raise your interim and add together the final little touch of authenticity.
  1. 1

    Understand that not everything is socially acceptable. Your character's beliefs might be considered the norm in his or her world, but may non be in this one. Fifty-fifty in conventions, at that place are some behaviors that are frowned upon. This includes things similar hitting, groping, swearing excessively, and and so along. Use your common sense: if you lot think an action may go y'all in trouble, it's best not to do it.

    • If your character is very mean, consider downplaying that aspect of their personality or doing it in a joking fashion to avoid offending others. No ane will desire to compliment your costume or great acting skills if y'all're also busy being cruel in graphic symbol!
    • This doesn't mean that y'all can't act like your desired grapheme at all. Mimic the good and downplay the bad.
  2. 2

    Know when and when not to deed like your grapheme. While interim like an anime character may seem cool and fun, in that location are times when y'all need to take things more seriously. If yous are effectually people who may not be familiar with the anime, or the fact that y'all are cosplaying, it is best to be yourself.

    • For example: fans of "Fullmetal Alchemist" might observe information technology amusing if y'all rage about your lack of height like Edward Elric. Your doctor certainly will not.
  3. 3

    Don't force people to play along. If you are cosplaying at a convention, some people may react to your interim and play along, especially if they are also cosplaying, but call up that not every cosplayer will. If you lot mimic your character and they don't respond, exit them exist. There are exist enough of other cosplayers who will be happy and excited to act along with you.

    • Watch their torso language for cues. If they seem uncomfortable or agitated, such as shuffling, looking effectually, or making excuses, exit them be.
  4. iv

    Be yourself. Don't go also caught up in role-playing and forget to be who you are! Remember, your friends chose you for who you are, and not the anime or manga character you are portraying.

    • At the same time, consider using some of your character's aspects to better yourself. For example, if your grapheme is a great listener, effort focusing on that aspect of your character outside of acting. In this way, cosplay won't only be a fun hobby--information technology'll likewise exist a way to ameliorate yourself.

Add New Question

  • Question

    What if someone recognizes my character in public?

    Community Answer

    This is non necessarily a bad affair. In fact, it is a good thing, because it means that your interim is good and recognizable. If they react to your interim as another character from the same manga or anime, play along!

  • Question

    What if you're black? Not a lot of manga/anime characters are.

    Community Answer

    So what if you're black? You lot can cosplay which ever characters you want to! You accept the freedom to dress the way you want.

  • Question

    Can I make my own anime character?

    Community Answer

    Of grade. All you need to do is describe inspiration from other characters yous like. Don't make your graphic symbol a copy though.

  • Question

    What if the character I want to be has supernatural abilities?

    Community Answer

    Simply pretend to have it. For example, if your character has a h2o ability, prove a strong connection to water.

  • Question

    What if somebody makes a joke? Should a kuudere laugh?

    Community Answer

    No. A kuudere is supposed to be cold and antisocial on the outside, only if the grapheme you're cosplaying as has a person who tin break through their barrier of kuudere, then it would be okay.

  • Question

    Can I do this fifty-fifty if I'm not Asian?

    Community Answer

    Yeah. You tin act similar an anime character no affair what race you are.

  • Question

    Some outfits are expensive. Whatever tips on wardrobe?

    Community Answer

    Take vesture you already have and change them to look more than like your character's clothing. I recommend watching Yumi King on YouTube, equally she does a lot of videos about it.

  • Question

    What if I hate anime?

    Community Answer

    And so this article's not for you!

  • Question

    What if I am taller than the graphic symbol I desire to human activity like?

    Community Answer

    It does not matter if y'all are taller. Say you have grown a few inches or anxiety since the concluding time someone saw your character.

  • Question

    How alike to my graphic symbol exercise I need to be?

    Community Answer

    Information technology is completely upwardly to you. However, don't take it as well far, every bit your character's behavior might not be advisable in some situations or places--this includes anime conventions.

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  • You don't have to human action like a manga or an anime grapheme if y'all don't desire to.

  • Don't give in to peer pressure. If all your friends are pressuring you into interim a certain way, ask them to stop.

  • Acting can exist exhausting, so have breaks from the grapheme to be yourself.

  • If you have a friend that is familiar with the graphic symbol y'all're cosplaying as, you lot can inquire for their assistance and listen to their suggestions.

  • You lot don't need to necessarily be exactly similar the anime or manga character. Don't change who y'all are to the indicate where friends or peers begin to dislike you. The accurateness of your cosplay character isn't worth losing a friendship over!

  • Interim like a character from your favorite anime or manga can be fun, but ready some limits. Don't go crazy and completely copy the graphic symbol; instead, balance it out with your ain personality.

  • "Dere" graphic symbol types are commonly female, merely they tin be applied to males equally well.

  • Remember that not everybody knows your anime and then don't button them to join in on the fun.

  • There will be people who volition eventually get bellyaching with this. Be prepared to bargain with some who do not understand what yous're into. Information technology's proficient to stick upwards for what you believe in, merely avoid conflicts as much as possible. After all, people are complimentary and have a correct to disagree, as do you with them. Stay calm and remain polite and friendly virtually the situation.

  • There is a big possibility that y'all will be called weeaboo or a poser if you human action like the character all the time. Sympathise and realize the limits.

  • Never take a weapon or weapon look-alikes to school or work.

  • Make certain that the personality of the anime graphic symbol will not harm your prototype of yourself or damage your relationships.

About this article

Article Summary Ten

If you want to act like a tsundere anime or manga graphic symbol, stay at-home and collected all the time – except when you're around someone you like. When you're by your crush, act embarrassed or mean to hibernate your feelings. Exist sure to exaggerate any emotions you exercise express to stay true to the media, and attempt to develop some trademarks for your graphic symbol. For example, you lot could take a go-to phrase for when yous're upset with someone, like "Baka," which ways "Idiot." Scroll down to larn how to act like other types of characters, and how to imitate specific characters!

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How Do I Look Like an Anime Character




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